Riddle me this. You spend half your life bitching for peace and quiet and you spend the other half of your life bitching that it's too quiet and you need something more in your life. Now, I am not pretending to have stumbled on to anything particularly new or earth-shattering. And while what I want to do is shout "fuck off" at the top of my lungs to all of you out there bitching one way or the other, I have to stare at myself in the mirror and realize I am the #1 offender of this behavior.
Every blue moon (how many of you actually know WHAT a blue moon is), I try to live life in the gray, or, as they say in West Texas, "Fair to Midland." If someone asks me "so, you been keeping busy?", i would love to answer with "just the right amount, thanks." normally, i would respond with "it's nuts" or "i am dead in the water." (Being married to a wordsmith, i am reminded that is as bad of an exaggeration as "JUMPING into the shower" or "i am STARVING").
So, what's a boy to do. I am going on a search. I would say I would be just like Matthew Modine in Visionquest, but that would date me and it's not a particulary fetching movie to associate my life too. Quest is much more manly. It has balls.
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